Sara Sullivan - Nutritionist

sara-sullivan-bubbleMy name is Sara Sullivan and I believe that radiant health is our birthright.

Would you like to feel younger, healthier, leaner & more vibrant with each passing day?

Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done.
It can be done.

My goal is to provide you with the most genuine + effective nutrition tips that you can progressively incorporate into your lifestyle.

“Sara makes food seem exciting, simple, nourishing and supportive of life. Her recipes are delicious and eating well is a pleasure.”

Marilyn Bron


Basil Zucchini Summer Soup

This creamy zucchini soup is a wonderful way to prepare summer’s most bountiful squash, zucchini! Smooth and creamy this zucchini soup packed with basil, is a light summer soup that is delicious warm or chilled. I love it as a quick lunch, but it’s equally great for dinner alongside a big salad or a simple…

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Summer Berry Salad with Toasted Almonds & Goat Cheese

Summery and light. This bowl of greens is bright and fun, studded with juicy berries, toasted almonds, and goat cheese and coated in a bright lemon vinaigrette. Richly textured and fresh with a hint of garlic and a lemony kick, it’s a zesty summer flavor party that only requires a handful of ingredients and about…

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Breakfast Banana Splits

This breakfast may have more nutrients, vitamins & minerals than your multi-vitamin. I would happily devour a banana with almond butter on its own, but the toppings are what make this so irresistible. I went to town on this banana split by adding fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, as well as ground flax seed, toasted…

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Cookie Dough Bites

If you love raw cookie dough you will FALL IN LOVE with these! This recipe is nothing short of magical. You may actually feel compelled to weep after your first bite, which I fully support. I promise, you won’t even miss the sugar, flour or processed ingredients. Filled with healthy fats & protein, a cookie…

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“I find her to be extremely knowledgable and scientific in her approach as well as realistic to each persons needs.”

Helene Michalski



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.