Sara Sullivan - Nutritionist

sara-sullivan-bubbleMy name is Sara Sullivan and I believe that radiant health is our birthright.

Would you like to feel younger, healthier, leaner & more vibrant with each passing day?

Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done.
It can be done.

My goal is to provide you with the most genuine + effective nutrition tips that you can progressively incorporate into your lifestyle.

“Sara makes food seem exciting, simple, nourishing and supportive of life. Her recipes are delicious and eating well is a pleasure.”

Marilyn Bron


Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake {raw/vegan}

Yes, this is an EXPERIENCE! Make this for all your friends who think healthy food tastes bad. They will beg for your forgiveness (and another slice). The bottom layer is made up of a deliciously sticky and chewy date and almond mixture and the second layer provides the perfect contrast – it’s smooth, thick and…

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“Hello Gorgeous” Juice

This just might be one of the best things you can put in your body. Clean, fresh, vitamin boosted juice will make even the most vegetable scared soul want to jump for joy. This delicious vegetable cocktail has become a big part of my daily regime. It incorporates one of my favorite beauty weapons: the…

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Mixed Greens with Avocado, Grapefruit, Pistachios + Balsamic Citrus Dressing

Goodness gracious is it spring yet? I’m sure ready for it. Who’s with me? It’s hard to believe that after weeks months of eating soups and roasted vegetables in an effort to keep warm, I find myself suddenly craving a big salad. I think it has something to do with salad’s fresh, green, brightness; something that…

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Pistachio Artichoke Hummus

If you’re like me, you may have consumed an entire bowl of hummus at one time or another? I know. It’s just that good. Hummus is a healthy, delicious dip and super easy to make at home. It’s just a combination of a few standard ingredients, starting with a can of chickpeas. But if you…

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“I find her to be extremely knowledgable and scientific in her approach as well as realistic to each persons needs.”

Helene Michalski



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.



Focusing on the right changes creates BIG results.